- Oxford Seminars
- January 2, 2025
- China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
Job applications for the 2025 spring term are well underway, and as always we in Job Placement have been busy researching TEFL hot spots for teaching positions in the new year. Read on to explore our top 10 choices for where you should be applying to teach English abroad. China As the supply of teachers has remained relatively low, ...
When I first decided to teach abroad, I had no idea how transformative the experience would be. What began as a leap of faith turned into the adventure of a lifetime. From moments spent exploring unfamiliar roads to shared laughs with students and colleagues, every day in Thailand told a new ...
- Oxford Seminars
- October 11, 2023
- China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Thailand, Vietnam
As schools and recruiters begin scheduling interviews for teaching positions starting in early 2024, our Job Placement Service team has researched where the most plentiful job markets are likely to be in the new year, both in terms of number of openings, and benefits on offer. As is the annual tradition here at Oxford Seminars, we're happy to share ...
It was January 2020, and I had just completed my initial training at Oxford Seminars, only to realize very quickly that, due to COVID-19, there would be no travel for the foreseeable future and therefore no opportunity to put my new skills to use in an international setting. Fortunately, through the Oxford Seminars graduate placement service, I was able ...
I’ve never been the type of girl who likes to go four-wheeling. Haven’t ever thought of it as something to enjoy on the weekend. But, for the past sixty days or so, Monday to Friday, that is exactly what I’ve done. The 20 minute ride from the village of MtoWaMbu to the Mungere school in the northern part of ...
Doesn’t it feel like we’re finally on the path back to pre-pandemic normalcy? We’re a little less hesitant to stand near people we don’t know, we’re making travel plans, and we’re watching health stats less. But what if we’re not quite ready to immerse ourselves in a new country, culture, and way of life, diving head first into new ...
- Oxford Seminars
- November 7, 2022
- China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam
International English teachers the world over will no doubt be overjoyed to learn that most major EFL teaching markets are once again accepting foreign instructors across their borders. Work visas are being sponsored, in some cases with a bit more “red tape”, and schools are clamoring to hire the best candidates for their positions. In some especially in-demand locations, ...
I admit, I’m not usually what you’d call a sports fan, or at least not in the way that anyone in North America might think of it. I don’t follow any specific teams, nor do I follow any major professional sports. I’ve never attended a single professional game of baseball, basketball, or hockey (I know, I’m a terrible Canadian). ...
Learning the English language can be a long and challenging pursuit, and who knows that better than ESL learners themselves? Entering the English teaching world as a non-native speaker can be intimidating, but our Job Placement Advisors are here to help you find opportunities where your English learning journey is valued. Many of our contacts in China hire non-native ...
I know for a lot of people the thought of teaching adults can be really intimidating. I always had a feeling I would like it, but have spent most of my teaching career so far teaching children and teenagers. At my current job, I made the switch to teaching adults with a little hesitation, even though I was excited. ...