Teaching English Abroad Blog - Oxford Seminars - Page 16
Should I Take a Year Off Before College?”

What Is a Gap Year Before College?

As an overachiever in high school, my plan was to fast track college, and then immediately pursue a business management career. Back then, it seemed like I never stopped working hard to achieve my academic goals. Until I realized I needed a break. And until I learned that sometimes—when high school grads feel just as burnt out as I ...

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Teaching abroad with a bachelor of education

Teaching Abroad with a Bachelor of Education

Teaching abroad is a great opportunity for bachelor of education graduates For bachelor of education graduates, a TESOL/TESL/TEFL certificate can be a great add-on for those considering gaining experience by teaching abroad in an international school. For those who are unfamiliar with what an international school is, these are schools abroad that teach regular classroom subjects, but use English as the ...

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Must See Places in Asia - The Gibbon Experience

Must See Places in Asia – The Gibbon Experience, Laos

Zip Lining in Laos while teaching ESL & traveling in Asia Traveling and teaching ESL in Asia gives you the opportunity to go on some pretty incredible adventures. One such adventure was The Gibbon Experience in Laos. The Gibbon Experience is one of the must see places in Asia. It was also one of the pre-planned highlights of our ...

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Oxford Seminars Reviews

A Review of My Oxford Seminars Certification

Oxford Seminars Grad, Bill Gain, reviews the Oxford Seminars Course & writes about teaching in China As a graduate of Oxford Seminars three years ago, I thought I might offer some advice to those contemplating the use of Oxford Seminars over another course or program. Let me be honest with you. I had significant reservations about the validity and usefulness ...

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Where can I travel while teaching in Asia?

Where Can I Travel While Teaching in Asia

Where in the World Are Magda and Brent? Wondering where you can travel while teaching in Asia? Of the many destinations available to you, Laos is perhaps a less traveled but no less beautiful destination. Read on to learn about Magda and Brent's adventures in Luang Prabang, a small village nestled in the Laotian countryside. ...

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Your Guide to Teaching English Abroad

Your Guide to Teaching English Abroad

So you're planning on Teaching English Abroad. What do you bring with you to a country you’ve never been to before? There’s a lot involved in the decision to teach English abroad, and for some people, that can be a little stressful.  The first and most important rule is don't panic! Recruiting agencies are wonderful for shouldering the majority of ...

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What You Need to Teach English Overseas

I majored in political science in college believing it would lead to jobs working for campaigns, lobbies and PACs in Washington, D.C. Instead a high salary opportunity knocked for me in the world of sales. It took only three years of me doing the job to realize my large paychecks were not enough to provide the satisfaction I expected ...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Be Careful While Driving in Laos

Where in the World are Magda and Brent? Learning Why it's good to be cautious when driving in Laos #1: "Sleeper" Buses While the bus ride to Savannakhet was smooth and restful, the overnight bus to Vientiane was anything but. I am surprised our brakes stood up to the relentless screeching as we wound down steep mountain passes and ...

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