Teaching English Abroad Blog - Oxford Seminars - Page 26

Save $13,500 in One Year by Teaching English in South Korea

Did you know that saving money is one of the big draws to selecting South Korea as a destination for an ESL teacher? Of all the countries using the services of native-English speaking teachers, South Korea provides the most possibilities to earn a lot of money and spend very little. While this is mainly due to the low costs ...

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Teaching English Abroad: Why I Teach ESL

I never thought that I would be a good teacher. I chose to teach not because I wanted to be a teacher, but because I wanted to travel and improve my Spanish.  With time, teaching ESL has become my profession and my passion. So, what changed? (This post is part of an ongoing series of guest blogs sent by ...

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Why You Need a Job Placement Advisor from Oxford Seminars

You've decided you want to teach English overseas. You've done your research and signed up with Oxford Seminars to get your teaching certificate. You are ready for your new adventure, and you are getting excited. However, you may not have thought about what happens between earning your teaching certificate and teaching in a classroom abroad. Fortunately, we have this ...

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Mind-Boggling Options: Choosing Where to Teach ESL

Deciding where to teach ESL is an incredibly exciting process. There are hundreds of destinations to choose from, all with their own allure. Just when an amazing picture of a sunset pushes you toward Southeast Asia, someone will tell you about their unforgettable experience in Turkey. Your gut feeling should definitely guide you, but here are five practical elements ...

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TEA Student teaches you

Teaching English Abroad: When the Student Teaches You

When I began my journey of teaching English abroad, I had high hopes. I wanted to see the world and experience adventure, but I also wanted to make an impact in the classroom. Fortunately, I did get to achieve most of my goals and experience the rewards of interacting with my students. There are so many student stories to ...

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Top 10 Reasons

Top 10 Reasons Why People Choose to Teach ESL

Are you still on the fence about getting your certificate through Oxford Seminars to teach English overseas? Here are 10 reasons why to become TESL certified. 1. You need a change of scenery. Sometimes the "same old, same old" just isn't cutting it anymore, and you need a change. 2. You want to do something meaningful with your life. ...

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Make a Difference

You Can Make A Difference While Teaching Abroad

When you were a child, did you have a teacher that made a difference in your life? Most people have a particular teacher that they looked up to or who served as a valuable mentor. When I started teaching ESL abroad, I never really gave any thought on how I would impact my students’ lives outside of the classroom ...

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