How well do you know Korean food? It's amazing how you think you know something until you actually live it and breathe it. I found this to be very true during my time teaching English abroad in South Korea. Trying Korean Food for the First Time I knew before arriving ...
Brazil is the largest country in South America, accounting for nearly 50% of the continent's mass and holding over 2 million people. Boarding the Atlantic coast, Brazil touches nearly every other South American country. With such a storied past and rich heritage, it makes sense that Brazilians would have celebrations and festivals equally rich and steeped in traditions. And ...
“Not black & white.” Grey. Yes, very grey. This is a good way to describe the terms & conditions of an ESL contract abroad, where written items that should be clear, rarely are. Even worse, legal jargon that – even when written in perfect English —can appear as foreign as the culture you might be emigrating to. Overseas ESL ...
Small town or big city? Many of my friends and family members who have taught abroad have longed for the bright lights of the world’s largest metropolises such as Shanghai, Seoul, Taipei, Tokyo, Mexico City, and Madrid. Based on my own experiences teaching abroad, however, I recommend relocating to a small city or town. Here's why. (more…)
When you live in foreign countries, you occasionally have these moments where it suddenly all hits you: I'm not in ________ anymore! For me, Canada is home, so traveling to another country can have it's share of adventures. The story I'm about to tell describes one of my own "WHERE IN THE WORLD AM I?" moments from my time teaching abroad ...
Are you thinking about teaching abroad in China? It's always difficult to decide where to go, but we've compiled a list that might help you think more seriously about China. From the travel opportunities to the food and financial savings, China just might be the right fit for you. Here are 5 reasons to teach English in China: (more…)
- Roger Olanson
- August 11, 2015
- Asia, Bachelor's Degree, Eastern Europe, High School Diploma/College, Latin America, Master's Degree/PhD, Middle East, Saving Money, Teaching ESL, Travel, Western Europe
If you are considering teaching English overseas, do your research. Where should you go? Is it right for you? There are trends in ESL markets worldwide, which can help in determining if this is, in fact, the type of career path that you want to take. We've compiled a list of the top 10 countries that have a strong ...
Teaching abroad for the first time can be a daunting experience. The thought of standing at the head of the class in front of 10, 15, or 30 sets of eyes all trained on you, waiting for you to begin and watching your every move, can cause nerve-wracking fits in the weeks and days before you teach your own ...
When I went to Thailand, I went with an open mind. Still, I didn't realize just how different the culture would be from what I was accustomed. From my living conditions to the concept of time and religious influences, my life has been forever changed in a positive way. I was fortunate to ...
Are you on the lookout for an international job but aren't sure about what's out there? From the military to journalists, and of course, our personal favorite of Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), there are multiple opportunities available. However, they each have their advantages and disadvantages. So, how can you know what's best for you? While that's a ...