Teaching English abroad is an unforgettable adventure that will change how you see the world and yourself in it. Two Oxford Seminars Grads, Terry and Bethany, experienced this firsthand. In their reviews of our in-class TESOL/TESL/TEFL Course, they talk about how it prepared them to teach English abroad, and how teaching overseas expanded their horizons in ways they never imagined. See their stories below:
Terry: Teaching English to underprivileged children & making a difference in Guatemala

“By the end of the 3 week process, I felt prepared and confident that I could teach effectively in a class of rowdy 2nd graders.”
“Choosing to earn my TESOL/TESL/TEFL certification with Oxford Seminars has been one of the best choices I have ever made. So great that I have to speak on the whole process: from receiving the information packet, to currently being in Guatemala.”
“The in-class component of the certification was highly practical and applicable to in-class situations I’ve since experienced abroad. The small class setting… gave each teacher ample individual attention and opportunity to make mistakes. Also, we covered the entire teacher’s manual, which has been a strong foundation for my lesson planning and classroom management. By the end of the 3 week process, I felt prepared and confident that I could teach effectively in a class of rowdy 2nd graders.”
“After completing the certification’s requirements and creating my resume, I contacted Rowan [my Job Search Advisor] and we immediately began the job search process. This was my favorite part of the process, prior to my arrival in Central America. The team of job search advisors provided me with a wide range of opportunities; from private agencies teaching to board executives, to non-profit organizations teaching to underprivileged children.”

“I leave the school everyday feeling grateful, accomplished, and tired. I have seen and experienced things in the short time I’ve been here that… would have been impossible to experience sitting in a cubicle.”
“I chose the latter, but before I made my commitment… I had a handful of options to choose from. With each interview, I felt better prepared to market my skills in the interview to come. Being a young man, still in college at the time, those experiences were priceless. But in the end, I was put in contact with the Ninos de Guatemala program in Antigua, Guatemala… and the rest in history.”
“Having been here for a month, I can honestly say, I am having the time of my life. I leave the school everyday feeling grateful, accomplished, and tired. I have seen and experienced things in the short time I’ve been here that… would have been impossible to experience sitting in a cubicle. My Spanish is developing daily and much of that credit goes to my students and the family I am living with.”
“The people are beautiful and have an equally beautiful culture. I teach the students a few classes a week but I am learning so much more from them. Before my departure, I had never left the country or experienced any other culture other than my own; so I only had the opinions of others to form my perspective of the world. But now, I have seen some things with my own eyes. I have not experienced any form of culture shock, instead it has been a liberating experience.”
“I would urge anyone on the fence about teaching abroad to DO IT! And I would also recommend Oxford Seminars as the company to help you make your dreams a reality.”
Bethany: Teaching English & challenging myself in South Korea

“I’m learning so much about myself being here. I’ve come to see how brave and how strong I am. I would never have known just how adaptable, intelligent, and open-minded I am had I never have come [to South Korea].”
“I took an Oxford Seminars class in Ohio this past summer. My expectations for the class were high, as I had heard great things about the organization, and even had friends who had taken the course and been placed in schools around the world.”
“My first day, when I met my professor… my expectations were exceeded! This man has taught all over the world, and had stories to share, tips about how I can go to places he’d been, and was so receptive to answer[ing] questions with real life experiences. I made like-minded friends, and ones who pushed me to go [abroad] and encouraged me every step of the way…”
“I have since graduated from the course and am teaching at a Hogwon, a Magnet school for gifted kids in Bucheon City, South Korea! I taught in America, before I came here, in a non-traditional setting and always wanted a traditional classroom. I have only been here 2 months and already I am convinced that I would rather teach here than in America. The curriculum is comprehensive and is already charted out for me. It is part of a chain of Poly Schools, so the lessons are tried and true and effective.”
“The classroom size does not exceed 12 students, and averages at 5! The students are well behaved, receptive, and eager to learn! I have a Korean co-teacher, so though I do not speak any Korean, I am teaching 6-year-olds! We are a dynamic-duo! She’s my age and speaks fluent English and Korean.”
“The kids couldn’t be cuter, [and] I’m learning so much about myself being here. I’ve come to see how brave and how strong I am. I would never have known just how adaptable, intelligent, and open-minded I am had I never have come [to South Korea]. And being here is challenging me in those ways, to strengthen my character in every way. I have a sweet apartment and live comfortably while my character is strengthened and my world-view broadened!”
“Thank you Oxford Seminars!”
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